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Our Services

Listing Property

Elysium is a national company with an international reach. In a world where boundaries are almost non-existent, you need a company to get your property in front of that shot caller. Whether they are in NY or CA, Elysium can bring top dollar from buyers in North America.

Purchasing Property

Let's say you are new to the game, and need someone to point you in the right direction on your first investment. Let's also consider, you may be an experienced buyer, but just don't have the hours in the day to make moves. Elysium can handle these transactions for you, and get properties all over the nation in front of you to grow your real estate empire.

1031 Exchange

To grow your real estate empire into millions of assets, you have to do 1031 exchanges to constantly trade up to more profitable properties. 1031 exchanges have set deadlines and fragile timeframes. One misstep will take the 1031 from you and force you to pay capital gains taxes. Elysium can get the process smooth and minimize the risk of losing that 1031.


Let's say that you want to strategize your moves for the year or next 6 months. I would be happy to plan those moves with you, and come up with actionable plan to build your wealth.

Experienced Agents

Learn More About Us

With extensive knowledge in 1031 exchanges, Elysium can sell your investments and identify replacement properties for you anywhere in the USA and see your transactions through from list to final purchase. Elysium is a national company, and is for serious investors to help them grow their portfolio for years to come. Commercial Real Estate is not a local business nor is it a quick venture.

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We Cover All Of Your Real Estate Needs

There are different investors with different needs, which means that you can't approach all commercial real estate the same. At Elysium, we have extensive history with income producing property, leasing, and off loading vacant buildings. Let me see your needs and discuss with you how to maximize your investments and help you grow it in a empire for your family.

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